Hive Streaming would be happy to help you with any questions or issues. In order to get accurate and fast help, we recommend that you contact us via different channels according to you needs.
For Customers and Partners without a signed agreement, we recommend to initiate the conversation by contacting:
For ongoing activities or questions covered under SLA, please reach out directly
to your Hive representative, or
submit a request via Hive Support Portal, or,
If it’s an urgent and ongoing issue, always consider to check our Hive System’s Status page for any ongoing issues or scheduled downtime due to maintenance. If you still need to get hold of or input from Hive Engineers or representatives, we suggest to contact us via:
Web: Hive Support Center
Hive Phone Support Number: +1-877-919-7322
Looking forward to address your questions and get you ready with our services!
Hive Streaming Support