HIVE Agent Basic Networking Requirements Table (snippet)

Required or Optional
Protocol (Port)
Destination Address
(warning)HTTPS (tcp/443) (local machine only)The HIVE Agent must receive communications from the local web browser.  The Agent "listens" on a special local machine address (commonly referred to as the loopback adapter).Please ensure requests from installed web browsers to the local loopback adapter address ( are not routed through a web proxy.  This is typically configured in the Proxy Auto-Config (PAC) file.


(udp/1025 thru udp/ 65535)

Agent-to-AgentThe HIVE Agent must communicate with other HIVE Agents within the internal corporate network.

UDP communication is not needed outbound, beyond the corporate firewall. 

The specific UDP range utilized by HIVE Agents may be customized for a customer's network.


(warning) Required

(question) Optional