What is HIVE for Kaltura MediaSpace?
Hive Streaming uses network capacity you already own to stream high quality video to every viewer in the network, without impacting other business applications. The HIVE team has worked closely with Kaltura to create HIVE for Kaltura MediaSpace Live Events.
With HIVE for Kaltura MediaSpace Live events, you can reach thousands of viewers with high quality video without impacting other business critical traffic on the network. HIVE for Kaltura MediaSpace Live events also includes the tools to simulate live events before you run them and better understand the your users' quality of experience and the greater impact of streaming video across your network.
Flexible, Powerful Video Distribution
HIVE can support streaming video on your network via three different mechanisms. These mechanisms may be deployed separately, or chained together for the ultimate video distribution and reporting solution:
- The HIVE Agent. Deployed by your IT department to user endpoints throughout the network, the Hive Agent provides premium distribution and reporting capabilities, fully minimizing the impact of streaming video on the network and providing detailed reporting that can help you understand the impact of streaming video on your network down to a user level.
- Hive WebRTC. If your organization deploys fully WebRTC-compliant web browsers – such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, streaming video distribution can be supported between viewers without requiring the installation of additional software.
- Hive Stats. If neither the Hive Agent nor Hive WebRTC are available, Hive Stats can still capture a significant amount of information about the user’s viewing session. Compiled into the Hive Insights report, Hive Stats can help you understand the impact of video on the network. Hive Stats does not provide any distribution benefit.
Powerful Insights Reporting
Dashboard Overview
Geographical Distribution
See where your users are located on the world map
Video Quality
See overall QOE (Quality of Experience) alongside your streaming bit rates
Network Quality
How did your network perform?