How do I enable Hive for Intrado Studio?

Hive Streaming may be enabled on your Intrado (InXpo) account by contacting your designated Intrado or InXpo sales contact.

The following guide was provided by Intrado

Adding ECDN OUTPUT to a Studio WebCast

1) Open the Presenter Console in Rehearsal mode and make sure the Webcast is not started
2) Click on the Wrench Icon on the left-hand navigation bar and select Monitor Tool

3) After the Monitor Tool opens, select OUTPUTS in the upper left-hand sub-navigation.
4) Click the Plus Sign (+) sign just to the right of Master Audio and choose HLS

5) Enter Customer and ECDN type to be used in the Title input (i.e. eCDN – eCDN Providers Name) Select the appropriate ECDN provider from the ECDN dropdown and click SAVE in the upper left


6) Verify the ECDN setup by clicking on the ellipses next to the 3rd HLS output