Using the HIVE WebRTC reference player

Using the HIVE WebRTC reference player

Hive Streaming offers the HIVE WebRTC reference player to help customers verify HIVE WebRTC is supported on their network.

The HIVE WebRTC reference player is not a substitute for testing with your chosen video platform. Hive Streaming always recommends running tests on your network with your full end-to-end live event workflow, including your chosen video platform, encoder, CDN and of course, HIVE WebRTC.

Simply loading the webpage and playing the video for a few minutes will:

  • Verify your browser version is supported by HIVE WebRTC

  • Verify your browser can reach the HIVE Cloud Services (including the HIVE Video CDN)

Send the webpage URL to other workers in the network and play the video simultaneously to further verify:

  • Network ports required by HIVE WebRTC are “open”, allowing the sharing of video fragments between browsers

HIVE WebRTC Statistics

Below the video player window, you will find useful statistics:

The highlighted identifier is a unique identifier for your browser/endpoint:

The table of Peers at the base of the page identifies other viewers in the network with whom you are sharing video fragments:

The Savings or the percentage of video data downloaded from other Peers (vs. the HIVE CDN) is updated in real-time.

If you experience 0% or very low savings, you are either the only viewer of the event or you may be the leader, retrieving the video stream from the CDN for the benefit of the other Peers. If you’re testing with other viewers in real-time, the other viewers' players will report the expected Savings.

Keep in mind, you will need to have 4 or more viewers to generate Savings over 80%. As more viewers join, the Savings will go even higher.

The following reference players are available: