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Video Analytics

Understand reach, quality & engagement per event and over time. Gain actionable insights.  Measure your performance against industry peers and track video adoption across the organization.

Live Event & Video On Demand Analytics 

Analyze your live video events and video on demand (VOD) content to measure event outcome, quality of experience


and employee engagement



Dashboard for Senior Leadership 

Create an executive report (


interactive web dashboard, PPTX, Excel, or PDF) after high profile events


to inform senior leadership on event performance and viewer engagement

Understand Trends over Time 

Identify and analyze video trends over time. Are


your most common issues global, regional, or local? How


do engagement & adoption vary across different


business units?

HIVE Video Analytics is now available as a standalone offering, independent of


Hive Video Optimization.

Customer Dashboard

The dashboard appears as a landing page in Hive Portal, immediately following login, and provides transparency on how customers’ video communication develops over time.

  • Key trends monitoring: Understand how your organization is engaging with video. Sort your data by key metrics, such as platform, video type, date ranges, and audience size. 

  • Aggregated summaries: In addition to detailed single event data, the dashboard displays aggregated video summaries to track video adoption as it develops over time.

Hive Insights

Hive Insights is Hive Streaming’s flagship interactive analytics application, offering video




demand and live event statistics from multiple perspectives, supporting business stakeholders, network & application management teams.


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Insights features:


  • Aggregated event metrics


  • : viewer participation,


  • Quality of


  • Experience, viewing time, streaming performance, network


  • impact & more

  • Useful lists – Locations & viewers by size,


  • Quality of


  • Experience & more

  • Extensive text and map


  • based filtering capabilities to drill-down into event statistics by geographic location, customer site and individual viewer experience

  • Unique network


  • visualisations illustrating the impact of streaming video on the


  • networkwith Insights, video event stakeholders can quickly:

    • Obtain event fundamentals – overall viewer


    • Quality of


    • Experience, total viewers, average viewing time, etc.

    • Classify top sites by viewer participation or quality of experience

    • Understand the impact of video streaming


    • on the network holistically and by location

    • Label geographical distributions of viewers


    • by participation and


    • Quality of


    • Experience

    • Understand each viewer’s


    • Quality of


    • Experience, platform, browser, connection type & more

    • Find viewer sessions by hostname, private


    • IP or Hive’s unique identifier


Hive Executive Dashboard

The Hive Executive Dashboard is a customizable report of a video event, generated through Hive Insights.


Select only the metrics you or your executive need, reducing information overload

Event-specific reports can be instantly generated by IT or Internal Communication stakeholders and easily tailored to C-level executives and HR team needs.

  • Custom Graphs - Select specific graphs and charts to include in your instant live event report or choose “select all” to feature all data insights available

  • Detailed Summaries - Feature up to 9 graphs of your choice per report, charts include breakdowns of quality of experience, network savings, viewer device and software data, and more

  • Engagement Indicators - The engegement indicators module introduces four additional Executive Dashboard charts, with each live event’s audience broken down into three engagement levels

  • Export - As Adobe PDF, Microsoft PowerPoint or sharable webpage

HIVE VI (Video Intelligence)


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Trend Analytics

Trend Analytics is a powerful analytics platform enabling in-depth trend and utilization analysis.



  • Using Trend Analytics, managers get a clear overview of usage, bandwidth savings, video distribution, viewer experience, and many more metrics - across all video events and deployed video platforms.


  • Trend Analytics makes it possible for businesses to better understand their video communications and digital transformation strategy.  Data-based insights and trends help support better future decisions. 


  • Trend Analytics is for businesses that take their video-based employee communication strategy and digital transformation success seriously.

  • Trend Analytics allows you to identify patterns in corporate video consumption to help make information decisions about your video strategy.

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IT and Network Analytics

IT & Network Analytics gives unprecedented access to a real-time visual dashboard that illuminates video event quality metrics such as video bitrates, CDN throughput, buffering instances and more. All down to individual company sites, allowing you to promptly identify, locate and resolve any arising stream issue.

  • Monitor event in real time

  • Watch for signs of trouble

  • Identify causes and remediate

  • Optimize video quality across company sites

  • Understand the root cause of streaming issue

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UPCOMING - Comms Analytics

Comms Analytics is a new analytics tool focused on Comms persona.

Comms Video Analytics provides actionable insights for improving video communications during and following live events.