Info |
With Hive Streaming video distribution, every employee can enjoy secure, high quality streaming video without sacrificing video quality or performance of the enterprise network. |
Hive Video Optimization improve the viewing experience, using predictive CDN pre-fetching technology with patented software-only, zero-configuration algorithms. Data are distributed via P2P, balancing bandwidth load across all connected employee computers, and maximizing reach and quality of live and on-demand video for the entire organization.
Guarantees stable, high-quality video through network offload, extended buffer & CDN
pre-fetching technology
Self-learning algorithms rely on existing network capacity without requiring additional capital investment
Scalable, with efficiency increasing in proportion to viewer growth
transparent to the end-user
Real-time, interactive reporting
Pure software-based solution deployed via standard deployment methods, no hardware needed
Integrated with leading enterprise video streaming platforms
Requires modern web browser supporting WebRTC Data Channels
Advanced agent-based video distribution with HIVE Agent
Customize service behavior including bitrate limiting for bandwidth-limited sites or VPNs
With Silent Testing, simulate live video events without requiring user involvement, detecting problems before they occur