Before you can begin, you must have:
- Implemented the requirements to use HIVE for Teams live events
- Acquired a HIVE for Microsoft 365 license
Enabling HIVE for Teams live events
Get-CsTeamsMeetingBroadcastConfiguration -ExposeSDNConfigurationJsonBlob
More information about the Get-CsTeamsMeetingBroadcastConfiguration cmdlet may be found here. New to PowerShell? Try our PowerShell tips here.
Teams live events and Microsoft Stream
Teams live events that rely on external encoders also rely on Microsoft Stream. Therefore, if you plan on using an encoder with Microsoft Teams live events (and HIVE), you should proceed with the process to enable HIVE for Microsoft Stream.
Also note that for now, Teams live events will appear under the SkypeMeetingBroadcast tenant tab in the Hive Admin Portal. Microsoft is working on their side to make sure the live events appear in a dedicated tab.
What's Next
- You are now ready to stream HIVE-enabled Teams live events!